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E.F. Magic Inc. is Hootan Dehbonei Company providing Utilities services. It is active in Marketing and Advertising service industry in addition of visual arts, entertainment industry, media and contemporary literature. It functions as Marketing Advertising, Freelancing, Financial Consulting, E-business, Publishing and E-commerce Company. The web sites of the company are an actual application for a creative and modern web development and design. Everlasting Fairytale is pleased to announce the first Application Software Evolve and developed solely by Everlasting Fairytale Inc. E.F. Magic the software developed by everlasting fairytale is user friendly and give the flexible option in blueprint of the marketing and advertising department in each company. E.F Magic is a software application configuring and blueprint of Marketing and Advertising department in corporations and businesses. E.F. Magic functions as utilities for online presentation, blueprint and support in Global & Local Market as an established brand. It has various advantages including 'Flexibility in Blue Print' 'Latest Technology' 'Compatibility with all platforms'
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